My columns in SOCIETY reflect the mood of a newly liberalised economy that was embracing neo-lifestyle upgrades and rapid shifts in values. From a family-centric worldview, India was moving towards a success-centric view, as the saucy Neo-Wonder caricature shows us! I was lucky to have two supremely gifted illustrators bring these columns to life. Devdutt Pattanaik, one of contemporary India’s most celebrated mythologists, researchers, used to do a vividly imagined illustration for my Heritage column, every month. The topics revisited ancient Indian thought, scripture, and hence it was no coincidence that Devdutt became a part of those ‘then and now’ pieces. And the legendary Mario Miranda, illustrated my other column, ‘Tongue-In-Cheek’. For a 24-year-old features writer, having both these stalwarts interpret word into image was no small honour!